All that to say, I'm going on a sort-of recess, too. Meaning, I'm noodling whether to revamp this blog or jettison it altogether and start anew, which means I won't be posting as frequently on Rush Hour. When I come back--if I come back--it may be with a new blog name and a pseudonym. I'll continue to post over on D.C. Confidential and if any postcards wander in between now and the end of the month, I'll post them here. (Rumor has it, I have cards headed this way from Las Vegas and Oregon!)
P.S. Knowing how long I lasted the last time I said I was going on hiatus, I wouldn't worry too much about my self-imposed recess. I'm lousy at keeping my thoughts to myself. No doubt I'll be posting something here in no time.
Photo copyright: Cedar Works
Wow, you know I'm here for you no matter what.
And a little birdie told me that there IS in fact a postcard coming from Vegas...(curse my procrastination tendencies!)
:) Take care.
At the very least, you better tell me where you moved to...if you move. :-)
Is it too late to say, please don't go?!?!
SML: Funny about Vegas! I was actually referring to a postcard from one of my lobbyists! BUT... I'm not proud. I'll take your card, too! ;-)
Di x 2: Don't worry. I will tell you. And no, it's not too late to say "don't go." I just have to figure out how I want to be in the public blogosphere.
You still haven't emailed me your address so I can send you the cards. Enjoy your hiatus, but come back soon.
Cele: Hi! Did you email me? I just went and checked my AOL account and didn't find anything... My fear is, I may have accidentally deleted your email. I looked on your Blogger profile for an email address, but didn't find a link. Am I missing something there? I'm still very desirous of an Oregon postcard... Help!
Cele: Belay that last comment. I just found your email! Woo hoo! And I responded, so check your email. Sorry for all the confusion.
Wherever you blog, we'll be reading. :)
Man, I could use some recess, too...
Oh...I've just come back and you're moving on!
You really SHOULD get a postcard from Sweden, but let's be honest...it IS the Younglings, and the Younglings aren't the postcard type people. I admit it. I suck at it. BIG time. But, I do think of you, my friend. So, consider this your ½!"#¤@* postcard! You're welcome dear!
Lova ya!
Merujo: I'm thinking some serious swinging on the swing set is in order! We all need recess. And a nap!
Vernicious: Glad to see you again. Don't despair too much. I'm pretty sure I'll be back, I'm just not 100% sure what form that will take, but I'll make sure you know where I land.
Monica: D*mmit, girl! I want a postcard from Sweden!! Hope you and D are having a good time in your mother country. We're frying our brains out over here. We've got to get together when you guys get home. It's been TOO long... xoxo
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