Friday, February 16, 2007


So, this morning, when I went out to get in the car to drive to Metro, I had a pair of leather glittens (a combination of gloves inside mittens. They're the perfect winter handwear), an unfinished bottle of Deer Park water, and a package of Gummie Smurfs.

I'd worn the gloves yesterday to beat--yes, you read that right: beat--the ice off of my car. In the process of abusing my Honda CR-V, the tips of my glittens got a little wet. Why I left them in the car, I have no clue, but I did. This morning, the tips were frozen solid. Lovely.

A bottle of Deer Park water is generally a fixture in my car. When I picked up said unfinished bottle this morning and shook it, the water turned to smoky slush. Cool! Although, it sort of hinders your ability to drink it because it gets gridlocked at the narrow neck of the bottle and your only choice is to suck on it like a baby sucks a bottle. For a grown-up, that ain't so attractive.

Last week, when Dr Lala was in town, she brought me Gummie Smurfs. They're little blue gummies with white, red, and yellow caps. I left them in the car overnight. And would you believe... they were NOT frozen. I don't know why, but for some reason, that disturbs me. What's in a gummie candy that it won't freeze solid? Doesn't that just seem wrong somehow?

I just know I'm going to lose sleep over that last one tonight...

Photo copyright: Molly Burke, UC-Irvine.


Anonymous said...

Don't fret, Janet--it's just because of the sugar, not anything more pernicious. Sugar (and fat!) is what keeps ice cream from freezing totally solid, after all.

Janet Kincaid said...

Sugar. Of course. Duh. Thank you, JA.

Mary Ellen said...

If you let gummies sit long enough, they get hard enough to shatter when you throw them at something solid. As I discovered when a freshman year care package containing gummi bears got pushed under my bed for 5 months.

Janet Kincaid said...

I've certainly had gummies that were practically rock solid, but I've never thrown them at anything or had them shatter. Perhaps I should try this one... er... month far, far away.

I wonder if I could get the Gunfighter to shoot rock solid gummies and see how they act as a projectile...