This postcard of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in central California comes to me from my friends, Lee and Angela. Lee is a rocket scientist--literally--for NASA in Southern California. Angela is a science teacher who is well-regarded by her students. I've been in her class as an observer and if I'd had science teachers like her when I was in junior high and high school, I might have actually enjoyed science more.
She and Lee have two absolutely adorable girls--Emma and Isabella--who will steal your heart out the gate. Without further ado, here is El Capitan. Thanks Lee, Angela, Emma, and Isabella!
I'll visit Yosemite someday. I swear I will...
SML: Would you believe, I lived in California for eight years and never made it to Yosemite?! Stunning, huh? One day, I must remedy that.
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