She's been from Jamestown in the Commonwealth of Virginia to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in the State of Maryland. In between, there's been a derby, a white-tie state dinner, a garden reception, and an embassy fête, as well as a wreath-laying at the World War II Memorial. (P.S. Is it just me or does the jacket on the First Lady's exclusive de la Renta gown make her look like she has post-menopausal, droopy boobs? Did she forget to wear a bra Monday evening?)
At most of the events, her hosts have fed her. And fed her artfully and well. Of course, this only seems proper. I mean, it is the Queen of England. This isn't your garden variety diplomatic visit we're talking about here. The food must be, well, fit for a queen.

Which then made me wonder...

Or maybe a nice dish of basic vanilla ice cream with maybe a standard fudge sauce on the side?
Perhaps she gets to the end of these trips and dreams of beans and toast?
Because, truly, there's only so much rich, artful food a soul can eat before ones insides would start to feel schlampig. (That's German for messy, by the way.)
What they should have served the Queen was some good ol' comfort food. If the Queen had visited my house, I would have made PB&J with a side of potato chips and a tall glass of whole milk.
Of course, I wouldn't have called it that. It would have been something like this.
Groundnut Legumes
with Confit of Early Spring Raspberries
on Brioche Platters
Delicate Crisps of Solanum Tuberosum
Seasoned with Hints of Cape Hatteras Sea-salt
Free-range Milk of Domesticated Bovinae
with Confit of Early Spring Raspberries
on Brioche Platters
Delicate Crisps of Solanum Tuberosum
Seasoned with Hints of Cape Hatteras Sea-salt
Free-range Milk of Domesticated Bovinae
Now what's high-brow about that?
Photo copyrights: The Washington Post (Camera Works), The Washington Post (Style section), and FotoStock.com.
"Is it just me or does the jacket on the First Lady's exclusive de la Renta gown make her look like she has post-menopausal, droopy boobs?"
I thought the exact same thing! Did you also think that George Bush looked like a schoolboy dressed up for his first funeral? Or is that just me?
NG: Oh good! I'm glad to know I'm not alone in that. It's unfortunate as I'm sure "in person" the gown was quite lovely, but the way the jacket fell and was outlined by shadows, it ended up looking like droopy boobies. Not attractive on anyone, even a hippy, let alone a First Lady. Ah well.
As for Dubya, I hadn't thought of that, but now that I look at him again, I think you're right!
Creole: I always consider my blog a success if I either make you laugh or you tell me my writing was thought-provoking. So, today was a success! Thank you. I needed that!
Laura could take a lesson from Helen Mirren about packaging the Girls.
Mary Ellen
ME: Seriously, huh? Although, I think the fault lies more in the cut and lay of the jacket than with Mrs. Bush's bazoombas themselves. Still, what was de la Renta thinking?!? Obviously, someone failed to take a page out of the Jackie O Book of Classy Fashion and Attire for State Dinners at the White House.
Congrats - the free press has given you a sex change - ReadExpress thinks you're a "he."
Quote (after quoting you): "The blogger says he thinks the queen gets tired of haute cuisine and yearns for comfort food."
Merujo: Thanks for point this out! I would have totally missed it if you hadn't. As for the sex change, well... THAT'S news to me! Too funny!
I love it -- best description of PB&J I've ever read! Makes me want to go and make myself one right now.
Congrats on the mention, too, though it's funny they got your gender wrong. Maybe they somehow know about all those Brooks Brother's shirts...
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