Here's how I'd caption it...
Larson (in his head): Is that a dingleberry on Murtha's butt?!
Courtney (in his head): What's the protocol for this? Do I pull on it? Do I tell John? What do I do?
Or, I'd caption it like this...
Larson: Damn! Murtha's got toilet paper hanging outta his pants again.
Courtney: Now that there's funny! I don't care who you are.
Or, using Comic Life, a software program on my MacBook, I'd caption it thusly... (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Murtha: Yep! These really are my hands.
Larson: I don't see the strings?
Courtney: Search me!
Chili was once again served down in the Congressional canteen. Murtha had two bowls!
By the power invested in me...you're healed!
I think Murtha has his hand on the window at Mervyn's saying...
"open open open"
Larson: What... what is that smell?
Courtney: Don't look at me
This funny stuff. No really you don't have anything else to do?
Yes sir, we know, big shoes and big gloves.
Goodness. I need to get my eyes checked.
I thought the sign above them said "Vagina Attack Submarine".
Courtney thinks:
Somehow I can't muster up much concern for any of these issues. I LIVE IN A BASEMENT APARTMENT, people. In the dark. With only a TV for company. GAH, the light! It's so bright and confusing!
Courtney: (He says nothing, but his eyes are shooting Larson the "I-told-you-so" look.)
Murtha: It will take me TEN days to get the troops out of Iraq.
Larson: I think pigs are flying out of his butt.
- Phoebe
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