Sunday, December 31, 2006

Day 31 (Part 3): The December DCRushHour Index

Another 31 days of blogging behind me. Here's this month's index. The ones with an asterisk are my favorites. Those with a double asterisk are my very most favoritest.

Day 1: Gosh Darn, Frickin' Frackin' Blog Thing
Day 1: Hub Caps
Day 1: No Comment *

Day 2: Coolest Website EVER
Day 2: Finding a Job is Haaaaaard... (Took this one down, but it's available by request.)

Day 3: 10 Names *
Day 3: Prescient

Day 4: Widgets
Day 4: Postcards

Day 5: Save! Save! Save!
Day 5: Miniature

Day 6: Movin' Out
Day 6: And Charlie... Light a Match!

Day 7: Alliteration **

Day 8: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Day 9: Wheaton's Best Kept Secret

Day 10: Christmas Music Inventory

Day 11: Jesus is a Stinker **

Day 12: Postcards, With Emphasis on the "S"
Day 12: The Blind Leading the Stupid
Day 12: Weird Tags and Other Dangling Participles

Day 13: Pictures
Day 13: More Pictures

Day 14: Procedural Inquiry
Day 14: Retro Postcard

Day 15: Winning Numbers
Day 15: Doin' the Shuffle *

Day 16: Par Avion

Day 17: Run, Don't Walk
Day 17: Philadelphia *

Day 18: Headlines *
Day 18: Housecleaning Becomes Enjoyable

Day 19: High School

Day 20: Chicken and Waffles

Day 21: Shaming
Day 21: All I Want for Christmas...
Day 21: Slurpees *

Day 22: Postkarte
Day 22: Crazy Busy

Day 23: You're So Vain
Day 23: Marlene Dietrich I Ain't *
Day 23: Noch eine Karte
Day 23: Open

Day 24: Homemade

Day 25: Merry Christmas Meme

Day 26: Always Floss

Day 27: Criteria for DC Blogs Noted?

Day 28: Precursor to Santa Claus

Day 29: Gutter Ball *

Day 30: Ruswa or Ada?

Day 31: Grateful
Day 31: December Round-up
Day 31: The December DCRushHour Index

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